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En leende kvinna och en man tittar ut över Borlänge från takterrassen på vattentornet. I bild syns kopparutsmyckningen från vattentornet och i bakgrunden syns en något suddig vy över Borlänge.
A student room in Locus.

Available accommodations

Electricity, heating, Internet connection, warm water, tap water with drinking quality and furniture’s are included in the rent!

Four students talking and laughing.

To live in Borlänge as a student

Are you planning to study at Dalarna University in Borlänge? Check out our accommodations and how it is to live in Borlänge as a student.

Students walking in the woods on a hike. 

Welcome to our student events

Check out our current events.

A wall socket with electrical contacts.

Tips to save energy

At a time of increased electricity prices and risk of electricity shortages in southern Sweden this winter, we all have to keep our electricity consumption down.