Click on the figure in the upper right corner and select English.
My Pages
All of our custumers use the same My Pages, Swedish and foreign. However you can change the language to English.
Here you have access to information and services that are useful to you as an applicant or a tenant.
- As a tenant, you can, among other things, see your agreements, receive news and you can make your fault report around the clock. And when the time comes you can cancel your agreement.
- As an applicant, you can view queue points, register interest and sign agreements.
This is how you access our new My Pages the first time
- Log in to My pages with BankID if you have a full Swedish personnummer (YYYYMMDD-NNNN).
- You can do a new registration with BankID and Swedish personnummer or register with your e-mailadress.
Report errors on My Pages
As a tenant, you make your error report 24 hours a day on My Pages.
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