Rental rules
Information of our rental rules which contain how you apply for accommodations, as well as how you cancel your accommodation.
Click on the linked title and you will come to the content:
1. Our basic requirements in brief
- You must be of age
- Register with a Swedish personal ID number or e-mailadress
- You must meet Tunabyggen’s requirements on studying at Dalarna University
- As the holder of the lease, you must live and be registered at the apartment
- You must have valid home insurance
- You can only have one (1) residential lease with Tunabyggen
- You must have taken care of your relationship with Tunabyggen
- You must follow Tunabyggen’s guidelines for the number of residents in the student accommodation
- If you do not meet the basic requirements, you cannot receive a lease with Tunabyggen
2. Register on My pages as a Student
We encourage you to register as soon as possible, to begin the process of applying for housing in Borlänge.
Housing guarantee for students
When you apply to Dalarna University, it is important that you register in our queue and Kopparstaden. In order to be covered by the housing guarantee you need to register at the latest when make your application.
The guarantee means that you, as a student, will be guaranteed a place to sleep at the start of the semester - firstly a contract with Tunabyggen or Kopparstaden, secondly accommodation with a private actor and thirdly you are offered temporary accommodation while waiting for permanent accommodation.
Read more about the Housing guarantee External link, opens in new window.
You can apply for apartments as soon as you have your letter of admission to Högskolan Dalarna/Dalarna University.
3. Requirements and queue
In order to apply for student accommodation with us, you are required to be admitted to post-upper-secondary studies at Dalarna University. You must study at least 50%.
Study requirement
Upon taking occupancy, you must be able to show that you are studying or have been admitted to studies at Dalarna University with a letter of admission. Tunabyggen may at any time request a current certificate of enrolment and also conduct routine checks.
If the tenant cannot present a current certificate of enrolment from Dalarna University, the lease will be terminated with three (3) months’ notice.
Register and collect queue days
In order to be able to apply for student accommodation at Tunabyggen, you must register in Tunabyggen’s student accommodation queue. You do so by registrering on My pages.
Tunabyggen mainly communicates with all applicants by email and phone. It is therefore your responsibility to have your current contact information entered on My pages.
Queue days
When you register to one of our queues you will begin collecting queue days. Queue days are personal and cannot be transferred or added together with somebody else’s to get more shared queue days.
4. Conditions to be permitted to rent student accommodation
The tenant is aware and accepts that a prerequisite to be permitted to rent the student accommodation is: that the tenant is conducting active studies at Dalarna University, meaning that the tenant must take at least 15 credits per semester at Dalarna University. The tenant shall of his or her own accord or upon request report his or her study results to the landlord as soon as possible after each semester. Excess credits during one semester cannot be transferred to another semester without the landlord’s written consent in each individual case. The tenant is aware and accepts that, if the tenant does not fulfil the above study results and report them to the landlord, it constitutes grounds for the landlord to terminate the lease for removal.
5. Apply for a vacant student apartment
- Our vacant student accommodations are published on My Pages
External link, opens in new window. at Tunabyggens website.
- When you have applied for an accommodation you have to meet our basic requirements and fill in the student information form with your Admission Notice in order to proceed in the process.
- If the documents provided or information form is incorrect, your application will be closed.
- The student with the highest number of queue points gets an offer for a room/apartment.
- If you are the one with the highest number of queue days after the publishing period you will receive a contract and more information about the accommodation payment. If you don’t have a Swedish social security number you will have to pay 6000 SEK deposit.
- If you don’t sign the contract or pay the invoice in time your contract will be removed and your accommodation offer is cancelled.
The person with the most queue days who meets Tunabyggen’s basic requirements is allocated the flat. For international students; in order be assigned an accomodation we must have received advance payment. If you cannot verify this at the agreed time, the flat will be offered to the next person in order.
If you have any questions or need help please contact us.
No pets!
There is a strict no pets policy in our student accommodations as well as in our common areas.
The only exception is if the animal is a registered and accredited assistance/guide dog. Special approval for assistance/guide dog is needed before signing a lease. Please contact us.
6. Basic requirements
- To get a lease, you must be of age, meaning that you must have turned 18.
- Register with a Swedish personal ID number or your e-mailadress as user name
- You must meet Tunabyggen’s requirements on studying at Dalarna University
In order to apply for student accommodation with us, you are required to be admitted to post-upper-secondary studies at Dalarna University. You must study at least 50%. - As the holder of the lease, you must live and be registered at the apartment
- You must have valid home insurance
- You can only have one (1) residential lease with Tunabyggen
- You must have taken care of your relationship with Tunabyggen
A mishandled relationship would be:- illicit subletting
- serious disturbances of other tenants
- maltreatment of a flat
- threats or violence against Tunabyggen’s staff leading to a police report
- an implemented eviction
- an abandoned flat
- false certification
- You must follow Tunabyggen’s guidelines for the number of residents in the student accommodation
Our guidelines for the number of residents per student accommodation are based on how the flats are technically dimensioned with regard, for example, to ventilation, but also how they are financially dimensioned with regard to wear and tear. In general, the following applies:- 1 room without a kitchen, no more than one (1) person.
- 1 room with a kitchenette, no more than two (2) people.
- 1 room and a kitchenette (family room), no more than two (2) adults and one (1) child
- 1 room shared apartment (shared kitchen and WC), no more than one (1) person.
- If you do not meet the basic requirements, you cannot receive a lease with Tunabyggen.
7. The lease
It is your responsibility to be available once you accept an apartment. An exception is only if you notified Tunabyggen in advance that it is not possible due to special circumstances. Tunabyggen has the right to annul the lease and offer the apartment to the next in the queue if you have not signed/approved or paid the first rent on time.
After you have signed your lease
In connection with lease signing, new tenants will receive information on what applies before and during the period as a resident. If you have questions about your accommodation after you have signed the lease, you can contact Tunabyggen.
Once you have signed the lease, your queue days are reset and you do not have the possibility to get them back. As a tenant you collect queue days again.
If you have signed the lease or made the first payment and change your mind, ordinary termination rules apply.
8. Queue points are reset upon allocation and termination of a flat!
Your queue points are always reset to zero when we print the lease after you have accepted the lease offer, orally or in writing. In the exceptional cases, where we have approved of a co-tenant, the queue points for that person are also reset. Your queue points are always reset when a lease is terminated. Queue points begin to be collected again if the tenant opts to join the queue after the termination, although the new queue points begin to be counted after the lease period expires. Once you are allocated an apartment and have signed a lease with Tunabyggen, you collect queue points every day as a resident.
Student gift: Apply for one years extra queue points after completed studies!
Tunabyggen will give you a student gift in the form of one year extra queue points in our regular housing queue once you have completed your studies of at least 120 credits at Dalarna University. You are able to apply for the student gift within six months after completed studies. Send your application via e-mail to Attach your degree certificate, which shall contain that you have fulfilled 120 Credits at Dalarna University. Use “student gift” as topic in your e-mail.
9. When you have a lease
Tunabyggen applies the regional rent tribunal’s principles for subletting. To sublet your flat, you must have one of the following reasons:
- Temporary studies in a different city or country. Certificate of enrolment is required.
- Extended stay abroad (a minimum of four months, a maximum of one year). A copy of a paid travel ticket is required. A certificate of approved leave from studies is required.
- Illness or the like: A tenant may have reason if he or she is admitted to hospital or other temporary housing due to illness or the like. A doctor’s certificate is required.
- Other reasons: Special situations where the tenant has substantial reasons for not using the flat, but at the same time reasons for keeping the tie to it. One example may be the care of a relative in his or her home. A certificate of approved leave from studies is required.
The subletting tenant must meet our basic requirements and a relationship with Tunabyggen.
Written approval is required from Tunabyggen to be able to sublet the flat. The application to sublet is made on a separate form that can be downloaded (Ansökan om andrahandsupplåtelse - on External link, opens in new window.. An application is normally granted for four months or a maximum of one year.
The master lease tenant is always responsible for rent being paid on time and that disturbances do not occur. As a subletting tenant, you can never take over the lease.
Illicit subletting
Discovered illicit subletting can lead to eviction and is classified as a mishandled relationship with Tunabyggen, which leads to you not having the possibility of getting a flat with us in the next two years. Regular checks are done in Tunabyggen’s properties.
Charging the subletting tenant rent that exceeds reasonable rent is a criminal act that can both lead to eviction and to the master lease tenant being sentenced to a fine or imprisonment. Charging the subletting tenant rent that exceeds reasonable rent is classified as a mishandled relationship with Tunabyggen, which leads to you not having the possibility of getting a flat with us in the next two years. Regular checks are done in Tunabyggen’s properties.
10. Ending your lease
- The period of notice is three months (counted from the beginning of the next month).
- If moving within Tunabyggen, the period of notice is one (1) month.
- In the event of death, the period of notice is one month (can only be terminated by the estate beneficiaries and a certificate from the Tax Agency/undertaker must be presented). If the termination notice is given more than three months after the death, the period of notice is three months.
- Tunabyggen must receive the termination notice no later than the last day of the month for notice to be counted as made within the current month.
- Exceptions are made only when the last day falls on a holiday. In these cases, termination notices are counted that are received the following weekday before 12:00 p.m. Termination notices after 12:00 p.m. the following weekday are not counted.
- Termination notice is made by digital signing in My pages.
- Upon notice of termination, an inspection with Tunabyggen is booked as close to the removal date as possible.
- Your queue points in the student queue are reset when you end your student lease.
11. Inspection
Removal/cleaning inspection
The inspection must be booked by the tenant. The inspection is conducted as close to or on the relocation date once the removal cleaning is done. The tenant can request a check of the apartment before the inspection. If a booking is not made, the inspection is done by staff from Tunabyggen once the lease expires. The possibility of resolving any shortcomings in the apartment on one’s own is then forfeited.
Staff from Tunabyggen inspect the apartment, equipment and cleaning so that everything is in an approved condition upon return. If the inspection is not approved and there is time, the leaving tenant can be given a possibility to resolve indicated shortcomings.
If the cleaning must be completed by Tunabyggen’s staff or a cleaning company, the tenant is charged the entire cost. If equipment in the apartment is missing or ruined, the tenant will be charged. If Tunabyggen deems that there is abnormal wear in the apartment, the tenant is charged for the cost of fixing the damages.
The apartment must be approved and ready no later than 12:00 p.m. on the first weekday after the final date of the lease.
The keys are to be given to Tunabyggen’s staff, reception or at a location as agreed.